I had never heard that before my counselor said it to me.
But it makes sense.
How can you attract to you the people that you want to be around, the people that you would most vibe with, if you’re not putting your true self out there for them?
But it’s hard. Being vulnerable is hard.
And I’m not even talking about deep stuff here.
Admitting I still laugh outloud at FRIENDS or that I read as many children’s picture books for pleasure as I do self help books, or even that I have my own business. Sometimes I just want to fall in line and pretend I’m “normal.”
As counterintuitive as it may seem, the trying to blend in approach doesn’t work when what you want is belonging and connection.
I’m struggling with a few things as I start making these more vulnerable videos.
I’ve never made videos like this before so you’re getting to see the whole thing unfold in real time.
When I give my TED talk or go on my world book tour you can laugh and say “man, she use to upload videos about black velvet chairs and red mushroom egg timers.”
If you like the video, hit the red subscribe button that you see under the photo of Chris and I and then you won’t have to search for the videos or try to remember to watch them. They’ll just be saved in your YouTube “subscriptions” and ready for you to watch them any time you want.